Iago’s Master Plan

I’ve got it all figured out! Iago is plotting against Othello for some reason. Like I feared, Othello’s personality will lead to the fall of his marriage. Iago is using Othello’s jealous nature to destroy his marriage with Desdemona. This fulfills his thirst for revenge against Othello. To do so, Iago is using me as a tool to trick Othello  into thinking that Desdemona is cheating on him with Cassio. I now understand why and how I appeared in Cassio’s bedroom. I feel so helpless about this entire situation, and it’s making me crazy. It’s weird how I, the object meant to maintain a happy marriage, is used to destroy one. I guess my suspicions about Iago have been confirmed. I can’t believe that my magic and symbolic meaning is being used against me, and I can’t do anything about it. I really hope someone will figure out what Iago is planning on doing. If not, it’s the end of Othello and Desdemona’s relationship for good.


He certainly is not who he claims to be.

Until Next Time…

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