
I have caused death.

Forget that I said that the other day was the worst day ever. Today is. I have caused the deaths of Desdemona, Othello, Emilia, and many more. Because of me, Othello killed Desdemona and then killed himself. I am both a blessing and a curse. My magic ability has brought doom to their marriage like it was meant to. I cannot explain the guiltiness that I feel towards the death of Desdemona. She did not deserve to die. I also feel guilty about the deaths of Emilia and Roderigo. Emilia was only trying to do the right thing and Roderigo was being used as a tool. Brabantio also died too. I don’t know how but it may be from heartache of losing Desdemona. I guess that’s because of me too. If it weren’t for my powerful abilities concerning love and faithfulness, none of this would have happened. I still cannot believe Iago has caused so much tragedy and trouble through the use of me. It makes me feel responsible for the deaths and despair that have been caused. Well, that’s all I have to talk about today.

Death of Desdemona

Death of Desdemona

Until Next Time…

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